Admission Overview

Thank you for expressing an interest in Tarapur Vidya Mandir & Jr.College. Investing in your children's education is one of the most important decisions you will make in your lifetime and one that requires great thought. These are formative years, and the relationships made, through friendships and interactions with teachers, will shape them for the future. It is critical that those sharing the responsibility for your children's education also share the values that are of primary importance in your home.At The TVM School we offer a nurturing environment that fosters sharp learning skills, a top-of-the-line curriculum that offers the best in education.

The academic year for all classes commences in June and ends in May.

For admission to Tarapur Vidya Mandir & Jr. College we expect the child to have been born on or before the dates shown against the respective classes, as follows:

     Class                  Child should have                           Date of Birth

                                 completed as follows                 (Born on or before)

 *  Nursery                 3 Years                                          December 31, 2020

 *  JR.KG                    4 Years                                          December 31, 2019

 *  SR.KG                    5 Years                                          December 31, 2018

 *  STD. 1st                6 Years                                          December 31, 2017


          *** Visiting Hours ***

        Office Time :  9.30 am  To  4.30 pm

         Principal :      10.00 AM To 1.30 PM

Head Mistress (Primary) : 4:30 PM To 5:30 PM

         (Closed on Public Holidays.)